Academia of Head and Neck Oncology of Karnataka

Head and Neck related cancers are ranked one among the common cancers in India with an increasing incidence rate. Management of these tumours requires a multidisciplinary approach and interplay and coordination amongst various specialities to arrive at an appropriate decision based on comprehensive diagnostics.
India sees one of the largest numbers of HNcancer. HNC comprises of almost one third of overall cancer burden. Apart from this fact, most of these cancers are preventable and majority present in advance stages. The recent trends of emerging etiologies HPV, sharp teeth and small thyroid cancers have pointed to a changing biology.
Thus, a strong need to formalise and concentrate our efforts in management of these cancers. This apart, there is a need for Post graduates to have a stronger understanding of this field as a career choice. All these put together make it necessary to create a platform for bring multi stakeholders together under an umbrella.

Recognizing the increasing need to consolidate the field and to promote awareness, continued education and research in this field, we propose to set up the “Academia of Head Neck Oncology” (hereinafter referred to as “Society”).

Academia of Head and Neck Oncology of Karnataka

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